Un MOD pour Quake 3 du style de Action Half-Life. Silicon Ice Development Urban Terror - "Where Quake Meets Reality" (c)2000 Installation To install the mod you will need two components, installer and maps. Both of these are required to install and play Urban Terror. -Install game Windows 95/98 Download q3utbeta1.exe from the links provided on the Urban Terror web site. Double clicking the installer will create a q3ut directory in the Quake III Arena folder. It will then copy the necessary files [except maps] into the path provided. Once you run the installer, Urban Terror will be installed, but you WILL NOT be able to play until the maps are downloaded to the correct location. -Install maps Download indivdual map files provided on the Urban Terror web site: Q3ut1.pk3 [File contains shaders & textures used by all the maps listed. Size 25.3MBs] maps.pk3 [Hotel & Swim: Size 15.7MBs] streets2.pk3 [Size 1.01MBs] trainyard.pk3 [Size 2.42MBs] mbase.pk3 [Size 9.45MBs] Place all of these files in the newly created q3ut directory. -Configuration Now that you have all the necessary files installed, you will want to start the mod and configure the keys. Double click the 'Play Urban Terror' icon on the desktop. Reconfigure all movement and shooting keys to your preference. Make sure you have configured the 'use item' key. From the main Urban Terror menu select 'CONTROLS'. Newly added menu controls consist of 'SPECIAL' and 'RADIO'. Configure 'SPECIAL' and 'RADIO' menus [Refer to the sections below for details.] -SPECIAL The first four options in the Special Menu are used for the 'In-Game Menu'. Options include: Show in-game menu - Displays a menu which allows you to select team [during team play mode], weapon and item. Next menu item - Selects the next item on the menu Previous menu item - Selects the previous item on the menu Use menu item - Selects the highlighted team, weapon, and item (selection takes effect on the next respawn -RADIO This menu allows you to set binds for voice radio commands Playing Urban Terror -Weapon/Item Selection To select teams, weapons and items, use the in-game menu as described above. Selections using the in-game menu will take effect upon your next spawn. -Using items Some items (laser, thermal imaging goggles, flashlight) can be toggled on and off. Each time you spawn the item is switched off and must be turned on again. The key to toggle items on and off is the same as the standard Q3 useitem command (eg. use teleporter, use medkit). Other items (kevlar, silencer, bandolier) are always on. -Alternate fire mode Some weapons have an alternative firing mode (use the setup->controls->special menu to set the bind) as follows: Beretta - Semi-automatic firing mode (increases accuracy but allows only one shot). UMP45 - Increases accuracy but slows down rate of fire. G36 - Increases accuracy but slows down rate of fire. Knife - Allows you to throw your knives instead of thrust. -Kicking To kick an opponent you must move close and hold the jump and forward movement keys at the same time. You must also be looking at your opponent. -Zoom [Sniper, G36] The Sniper and the G36 can be zoomed. The Sniper rifle provides 3 levels of magnification while the G36 provides only one. The Sniper rifle's accuracy is greatly improved while zoomed. You can toggle zooms using the zoomin, zoomout, or zoomreset commands (which can be set under the setup->controls->special menu). The G36 accuracy isn't imporved, but may be useful when aiming at distant opponents. -Unzoom when jumping Players will automatically return to no zoom view when jumping. -Bleeding and Bandaging When hit, players will immediately start bleeding (losing health). The amount of health lost due to bleeding will depend upon the location in which you were hit and upon how many hits are landed. To stop the flow of blood players must use the bandage key (binded in the setup->controls->special menu). Players should note that bandaging will take some time, during which you will not be able to use your weapon. Bandaging can also be used to heal broken legs after a fall, or a shot to the legs. -Team bandage Players can bandage and heal (up to a maximum of 80 health) other players. To do this, players must be crouched and near the wounded player. When in this position, players must be looking at the wounded and pressing the bandage key. Two players bandaging a wounded player will heal them twice as fast. -Open door Unlike standard Quake 3, many doors do not open by themselves and need to be opened manually using the opendoor command (binded in the setup->controls->special menu). To open a door make sure your near to it and looking at it. -Reload All weapons have a limited number of bullets but additional clips are provided. To reload an empty weapon players must use the reload command (binded in the setup->controls->special menu). Much like bandaging, this will take some time, during which players will lose the ability to use their weapon. General Gameplay -Accuracy Certain weapons are more accurate than others. However, there are a number of ways to improve or diminish the accuracy of a weapon. Generally, aggresive movements (running, jumping) will decrease your accuracy while crouching or standing still will improve your accuracy (but make you an easy target). Using the alternate fire modes, the laser sight and zoom (on the sniper rifle) will also improve your accuracy. -Falling Damage Falling damage is greatly increased in Urban Terror. A fall that might be superficial in Quake 3 may well seriously injure or even kill a player. In addition to loss of health (proportional to distance falling and speed on impact) players may also experience leg damage which will induce limping (see below). -Limping Damage to a players legs (through gunshots or falling) will cause the player to limp. Limping considerably slows the player down and prevents the player from jumping. To stop limping, players must bandage. Known Bugs -Animation bugs [no weapons] Sometimes when players spawn or bandage the weapon and hands models will not re-appear. Though you can still fire and use your weapon, it will appear as though the weapon is not there. This can be remedied by changing weapons. -Reflection in mirror Presently the players hand models will be visible in mirrors. These appear as a giant pair of disembodied hands floating eerily in front of the player. -Remained zoom when respawning If a player is zoomed when fragged and they respawn with a defualt weapon other than the G36 or Sniper rifle, they will remain zoomed and not be able to un-zoom. -Stuck when spawning in Team Rounds Very rarely, when a team spawns at the beginning of a round, some players may become glued to their team mates. Players stuck like this can be booted out by a well-placed kick.